There are two allotments sites In Burnham Market that have plots available to rent from the Parish Council. These are at:
Creake Road, where there are 12 allotment plots
Angles Lane, Station Road where there are 67 allotment plots
Both sites are South facing and require you to make your own arrangements for harvesting rain water. The Angles Lane site offers a limited amount of parking on site near the entrance gate. There is access to both sites for the delivery of such things as manure.
How big is an allotment plot?
Some of the plots have been subdivided, so instead of renting a larger 10 rod plot, you could rent a 5 rod plot instead. To give you a rough idea on size, a 5 rod plot would allow you to easily feed a family. To rent a 10 rod plot you will need to be an extremely keen gardener and this will allow you to grow lots of potatoes as well as other vegetables.
Each 10 rod plot has a narrow path adjacent to it and should be maintained by the allotment holder and their neighbour.
Who is responsible for the allotments?
The sites are managed by the Parish Council and the Allotment Committee which represents the views of both allotment holders and the Parish Council.
Each of the sites is managed by terms and conditions, which need to be read and signed on application by all new tenants. Applications for the erection of sheds and the keeping of livestock MUST be made to the Parish Council.
Allotments can also be rented by those living outside of the parish.
How much will an allotment cost?
The allotments are very reasonably priced at £25 per 10 rods and £12.50 per 5 rods.

How do I apply?
If you are interested in taking on a plot a member of the Allotment Committee will meet with you on site to show you around, simply use our contact page to get in touch.
Once you have been allocated a plot you will be encouraged to get started as soon as possible. Depending on the time of year this could mean planting or clearing and preparing the ground for the next season.
Rules & Regulations 2022